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Dennis Wilson


Pardon my posting delays, like all of you am a busy guy. I would like to believe "next year" or "this year" is going to be a better farming year. But the sign posts along the way are not indicating that we will see a better 2017. For example, rice prices continue to move but only in one direction, downward! So, at this point, here is the million dollar question. Will the markets continue to move down, stabilize or hopefully move up? That is the most pressing problem facing rice growers at this time. I don't have to tell anyone that $5.50 to $6.00 rice will not work. I know everyone's budget and economic conditions are different. But many of the long time growers are telling me $10.50 to $11.00 plus loan per 100 weight sack is needed just to break even!!. So, with $5.50 rice going into the season, the grower can plan to loose $300 per acre. Now, to the non-farmer that number is nothing. But if we take $300 per acre and times it by 500 acres, now we have a $150,000 loss for the entire year. And that's assuming a normal average yield. Couple that with all these late rains as of March 27,2017 and it could spell disaster!!

So, since am writing this posting for the entire world to read, what does this mean to all the non-farmers in the north state? This market crisis means, in one word, plenty! Please heed my warning, whether your informed or not on this issue. Whether your retired, a policeman or women, a contractor, restaurant owner, or a supplier of fuel or chemicals this crisis will have a huge impact on all members of our community.

As I write my posting, many field workers will not find jobs, chemical companies will sell less chemicals and fertilizers, banks will loan less money. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. As a matter of fact, farmers are walking away from leased ground because the rents just don't pencil. So, who owns this problem. I think the answer is, we all do.

My next blog will focus on possible ways to fix this crisis without delay. I hope these words gives you some incite into the current agricultural crisis and raises your level of concern. If you would like to give me your thoughts on this subject go to my website @ And this is Wilson's world, thanks and have a great day.


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